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At the beginning of December

  • 3 Dicembre 2014
  • By Diana
At the beginning of December

10808453_878720548834674_1524050301_n At the beginning of December

Novembre come preparazione al Natale, fatto di foglie rosse, delle prime cioccolate calde

(un ciobar a colazione può veramente salvare la giornata), di un camino accesso e un bicchiere di vino rosso che riscalda l’animo oltre che il sangue.

Il mese delle piogge, del buio e dei pochi fasci di luce gialla che entrano dalla finestra alle 4 del pomeriggio…di tramonti che arrivano troppo presto.

Di un piumone e il mio gatto  su di esso che forma le prime “ciambelle” dell’anno per riscaldare zampe e musetto, anche se in realtà ha già i guantini bianchi.

Colori caldi come i colori della natura di questi giorni, dal borgogna al senape e scintillante viola… tutto si tinge di ciò che ci circonda.

Dicembre e la frenesia dei primi regali, il palazzo di Fendi e le sue lucine in Via del Corso che come pochi sanno dire: il Natale è arrivato.

Le passeggiate mano nella mano nelle vie della città che si tingono di luci e colori, quando una goccia di pioggia risplende anch’essa riflettendo le piccole lampadine che vanno da finestra a finestra.

Un dolcetto in più, l’estate è lontana!

Ma questa storia è appena iniziata e la trovate sul mio profilo Instagram: @dianadelorenzi, insieme ad alcune sorprese.

November as a month of preparation for Christmas, made of red leaves, the first hot chocolates (a Ciobar for breakfast can really save the day), a fireplace and a glass of red wine that warms the soul as well as the blood.

The month of the rains, of the darkness and the few sunshine of yellow light coming from the window at 4 pm … sunsets arriving too early.

A duvet and my cat on it, that form the first “donuts” of the year to heat paws and nose, although he has already the ” white gloves”.

Warm colors as the colors of the nature of these days, from the mustard to the burgundy and glittering purple … everything is tinged with what surrounds us.

December and the frenzy of the first gifts, the palace of Fendi and its lights on Via del Corso in Rome , that he can say: Christmas has arrived.

Walking hand in hand through the streets of the city that are tinged with color and light, when a raindrop also reflecting the small bulbs ranging from window to window.

Another cupcake, summer is far away!

But this story has just begun, you can find it everyday on my Instagram profile: @dianadelorenzi.

10809700_1516699931924010_287784092_n At the beginning of December

You can see the all outfit here.10810043_1584742575071143_1621983308_n At the beginning of DecemberFish braid and Fuococapri necklace.10693593_626233424153815_1001633172_n At the beginning of DecemberBeloved sunset.10431779_334357846746194_1570200071_n At the beginning of December

Autumnal mood.
1889100_662589413840419_429450131_n At the beginning of December

Geometric shapes with Molly Bracken, you can see the all look here.
10802613_833960179959319_362900955_n At the beginning of December
Sunset time.
10723766_765556983493637_1346068350_n At the beginning of December

It’s all about Battiquore ring and aerrings.
10787860_601217013333804_23163493_n At the beginning of December10784813_410930779056380_363389649_n At the beginning of December10785013_800483736681056_713611412_n At the beginning of December

My “donut” cat: Zaffiro.10809541_584093128358414_47261838_n At the beginning of December

Faux fur jacket and sunset mood. The all look is here.10831673_432869093518383_1685191746_n At the beginning of December

Escaping.10809829_275850462539155_285993365_n At the beginning of December

“Chicco di felicità” by Stroili.
10818128_1515532485371974_971593941_n At the beginning of December

San Peter.10784901_1522229128018177_1798303791_n At the beginning of December

Choies skirt, you can see the all look here.10817887_1536468983273803_1298218870_n At the beginning of December

A sweet moment: Nutellotti.10808890_309148742619775_671610201_n At the beginning of December

The latest post online.10817969_725219290902284_327241956_n At the beginning of December

Sunset are my drug.
10831674_1496124517336151_522887425_n At the beginning of December

“Light dinner” at Bakery House in Rome… and a sweet breakfast:10809536_381694881996272_294404692_n At the beginning of December928737_774715025935655_1869974680_n At the beginning of DecemberYou can find an amazing giveaway on my Instagram profile: @dianadelorenzi.10831718_742669425814671_569661100_n At the beginning of DecemberSoon on the blog, the new Cupro collection: Dicotomia.

By Diana, 3 Dicembre 2014 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
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Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.

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About me
Diana De Lorenzi
Awarded lifestyle creator & storyteller since 2013. Alla ricerca della bellezza nel mondo.
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