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  • 4 Articles
A Weekend in Tivoli: what to see and where to eat.

A Weekend in Tivoli: what to see and where to eat.

From time immemorial I have wanted to dedicate a page in my diary to my favorite place: Tivoli. It is certainly the city in the world that I know the most, I have called this place home for decades and I can certainly provide you with some tips from a true local! This is my…

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By Diana, 23 September 2020 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
Dubai: city guide on a long weekend.

Dubai: city guide on a long weekend.

When people (the web, newspapers …) talk about the power of viewing their goals, I have always been skeptical. For a couple of years I have decided to try. Can the simple fact of writing a list and putting it on black and white help the wishes and objectives become reality ?! I can tell…

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By Diana, 2 January 2020 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
10 most instagrammable places in San Francisco you don’t have to miss!

10 most instagrammable places in San Francisco you don’t have to miss!

A few days ago I ended up seeing one of my favorite TV series of all time: Sense 8. One of the places where it is set is precisely San Francisco, so I had a great desire to bring back memories of one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. But this great metropolis of…

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By Diana, 7 October 2018 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
Paris with the eyes of the first time: the unmissable addresses for my 3-day guide to the city.

Paris with the eyes of the first time: the unmissable addresses for my 3-day guide to the city.

  I will tell you my Paris with the eyes of the first time, of those who fall in love unexpectedly and are amazed. Perhaps in my heart I kept this city secretly hidden from my mind to enjoy it in a special moment, not to waste it and to appreciate it as you do…

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By Diana, 30 April 2018 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
About me
Diana De Lorenzi
Awarded lifestyle creator & storyteller since 2013. Alla ricerca della bellezza nel mondo.


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