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in Instagram, outfit, Travel


  • 7 Novembre 2014
  • By Diana

10731736_442665285873011_77314672_n October/November


Mi ricordo ancora quando due anni fa rimasi colpita dalla nascita e diffusione di un’applicazione fotografica, di quelle che non servivano molte parole per comunicare, bastavano le immagini.

E’ così che tutto è iniziato, il mio percorso parte proprio da Instagram.

Ed ora che siete più di 20000 non posso che ringraziarvi dal cuore per esser cresciuti con me, accompagnandomi in ogni più semplice momento della giornata o grande avventura.

Un piccolo modo per dire grazie è ora su mio profilo: @dianadelorenzi , con l’opportunità di vincere uno di questi 4 meravigliosi abiti firmati Giovanna Nicolai.

Buon weekend!



I still remember when two years ago, I was struck by the birth and growth of a photo application, the kind that didn’t need many words to communicate, only pictures.

And this is how it all began, my journey starts from Instagram.

And now that you are more than 20000 I can only say: thank you from my heart to be brought up with me, accompanying me in every moment of the day from the most simple to the great adventure.

A small way to say thanks is now on my profile: @dianadelorenzi, with the chance to win one of these 4 beautiful clothes by Giovanna Nicolai.

Have a happy weekend!

10802891_591791714279978_999578594_n October/November


Giveaway on my Ig profile: @dianadelorenzi .

10802738_795341507189513_1304128409_n October/November

Molly Bracken total look.10787727_936293079733629_1808256083_n October/November

Sweet moment in Caprarola.10784908_293672154174095_368719910_n October/November

Villa Lante.10748347_1530868007152003_1730085272_n October/NovemberHalloween aperitiv with my dearest friend.
10735392_720351868019655_531824015_n October/November

The best present from my BF: new Underground shoes.10735345_794622947246686_1590304095_n October/November Civita di Bagnoregio.10732045_704780752942962_561543801_n October/November Turano.10731774_995630620463146_63720368_n October/November Molly Bracken dress in Villa Lante.10729247_1563186317251418_481690913_n October/November 10729167_329444303893674_1540591933_n October/November

Diana by FuocoCapri.
10727713_1565428917005611_38166603_n October/November

Sunset on lake.10724783_382320671920766_251592308_n October/NovemberWhat’s in the box?

10724009_1558330831064356_1568022496_n October/November On top.10706997_396628930494311_507241336_n October/November

Beauty time with Adriana Spink MakeUp.10449091_714701281954029_1712954381_n October/November Sunset time with Choies playsuit.928293_802333006496241_900452625_n October/November

Walking around with my Fuococapri bracelet.923825_315730388614870_579358816_n October/November

A sweet Saturday.923805_1541327702769302_67128591_n October/November


Civita di Bagnoregio

By Diana, 7 Novembre 2014 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
  • 30


Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.

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About me
Diana De Lorenzi
Awarded lifestyle creator & storyteller since 2013. Alla ricerca della bellezza nel mondo.
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