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Isla Saona

  • 1 Articles
Viva Dominicus Beach, my Caribbean experience. How can heaven be more beautiful?

Viva Dominicus Beach, my Caribbean experience. How can heaven be more beautiful?

Among the good intentions I set out at the beginning of this incredible 2017 was to visit a Caribbean country. I love the sea and the idea of ​​being able to see a heavenly one with my eyes had always made me very enthusiastic. So when I’ve received a propose  to join the #VacanzaViva team…

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By Diana, 26 August 2017 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.
About me
Diana De Lorenzi
Awarded lifestyle creator & storyteller since 2013. Alla ricerca della bellezza nel mondo.


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