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The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

  • 14 December 2017
  • By Diana

The trees are tinged with warm colors of the rainbow to welcome the cold season and then lose their leaves. Between  one leaf and the other we find in the woods one of the most precious fruits of the season: chestnuts. A perfect combination with mushrooms.

The soup I propose is very easy to make, I suggest you to enjoy it together with breadsticks to make a dose of carbohydrates to a light lunch and make it even more delicious with the taste of bread.

I have recently discovered that the famous and tasty Pangrì Mulino Bianco have changed clothes and have also been converted to the whole with a greater supply of fiber and a slower release of glucose, calming the sense of hunger for longer.

Cream soup of chestnuts and mushrooms with wholewheat Pangrì Mulino Bianco

Recipe for 4 people

4-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.


For vegetable broth:

1 LT of water
75 gr of celery
100 gr of carrots
100 g of onion
Salt to taste

8-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

For the soup:

1 kg of chestnuts
300 gr of mushrooms (if you find the porcini mushrooms taste will be even more intense, I used the champignons)

10-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Oil and salt to taste
  • Rosemary as required
  • Half a shallot 


    1- Stick (with a knife, cut each chestnut horizontally) and boil the chestnuts for 30 minutes.

6-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

2- After cooking, peel them and put them in a saucepan with a little oil, shallot, rosemary and cook for 15-20 minutes over high heat.
3- Prepare the vegetable stock while boiling water, celery, carrots, onion and salt as required.

4- In another pan cook the cleaned mushrooms with parsley, oil, a pinch of salt and garlic in a shirt (unpeeled).

5-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

5- Once cooked, pour the broth into the chestnut casserole and blend with an immersion mixer until the correct consistency is reached.

Tip: do not put too much liquid, you can always add it later to get the consistency sought.

6 – Put the mushrooms on your soup adding a pinch of coarsely ground pepper and the wholesome Pangrì integrals.

Enjoy your meal!

7-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

3-1 The perfect seasonal recipe: chestnut and mushroom soup with Pangrì Mulino Bianco.

By Diana, 14 December 2017 Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.


Lifestyle blogger from Rome. Always searching for beauty in the world. Vado dove mi porta il cuore.

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Diana De Lorenzi
Awarded lifestyle creator & storyteller since 2013. Alla ricerca della bellezza nel mondo.
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